Mountain Spirits - One tells oneself...

The miners all sat together in their cramped but very comfortably warm mining hut to wait out the time before the Christmas mass. According to tradition, the miners always went down to the church in St. Veit together that night. Suddenly, earlier than usual, the bell rang for them to set out. They were a little surprised at fi rst, but then after another ring the miners followed the little bell. When they returned the next morning, they found their hut buried under meters of ice and snow.

The friendly mountain spirits had warned the miners in good time and saved them from a certain death.

There is another story about twelve miners in the tunnel. They had only been at work for a short time when the call “shift finished” suddenly rang out. When they ignored the call at the first prompt, it repeated itself a second time! They then hurried to the exit and stepped outside. Almost at the same moment, the mine building collapsed behind them, and all the tunnels and shafts collapsed. And once again it was the kind mountain spirit that prevented worse things from happening.


A mountain spirit tells...

A friendly mountain spirit lived in the depths of the mine. Every day he watched the miners as they extracted the glittering copper ore with their heavy tools. He was tiny and seemed almost invisible, but he was always there to protect the miners.

The miners were hard-working men whom he admired. They dug into the stony walls with their shovels and hammers to find the sparkling ore. Sometimes they shouted loudly to communicate and he could hear their echoes in the corridors.

But he knew that working in the mine could also be dangerous. That's why he was always on his guard and made sure that nothing happened to the miners. He sometimes whispered to them when they reached a difficult spot and gave them strength and courage.

When the sun rose over the peaks, it was time for him to rest. He said goodbye to the miners and returned to his hiding place in the mine. There he dreamed of new adventures and of continuing to help his friends. He lived happily and contentedly in the mine, where he watched over the brave miners day after day and made sure that they returned home safely.

A mountain spirit tells...

Deep inside a mountain, where darkness reigns, there is a hidden world full of secrets and wonders. In this mysterious realm live the good mountain spirits, who watch over the tunnels and protect the brave miners.

The mountain spirits are friendly and helpful creatures that have existed in the depths of the mountains since time immemorial. Every day they leave their hidden caves to help the miners and protect them from danger.

When the miners descend into the dark tunnels, the mountain spirits are already there to light their way and guide them safely. They fly silently through the tunnels and give the miners courage and strength when they encounter difficult challenges.

Sometimes, when an unexpected boulder falls or a tunnel collapses, it is the mountain spirits who intervene and protect the miners from injury. They ensure that the miners are always safe and can return home unharmed.

The good mountain spirits and the brave miners live together in harmony, united by their love of the mine and their respect for the mysterious world beneath the earth.

A mountain spirit tells...

Deep in the heart of the mine lay a hidden treasure: the copper that people had been mining for centuries. But behind the shiny ore and the dark corridors lurked dangers that only the bravest miners could face.

Once, in times gone by, the good mountain spirit told of the brave men and women who ventured into the depths of the mine to extract the precious copper. They worked under the most difficult conditions to penetrate the hard rock and uncover the valuable copper ore. The miners dug with their bare hands and primitive tools, always in the darkness of the tunnels, surrounded by the muffled sound of their blows. They risked their lives to unearth the treasures of the earth, relying on their determination and courage.

He told of the dangerous pit falls and the scarce resources the miners had to contend with. But despite all the adversity, they never gave up. They were a team, united in their quest for success and survival.

And so the legend of the brave miners lived on, passed down from generation to generation as a reminder of the tireless labour and indomitable ambition of those who dared to go deep into the earth and search for the treasures that lay hidden there.
