Cold Spring - One tells oneself...

In 1827, Johann Glatzhofer, a farmer at Rappoldgut, struggled with his wagon coming from Werfen through the Gainfeld valley to the Mitterberg pass and on to his farm. When he had already covered a good part of the way, he checked his load again and saw that he must have lost one of the loaves of bread lying between the flour sacks on the journey over the Griesfeld. Since bread was a particularly valuable commodity, he promised his son-in-law Thomas that he could keep the loaf if he found it again. Thomas soon found the loaf of bread – but not only that!

The Roßbach creek bed shone like gold and Thomas thought he had found gold. However, it soon turned out that it was “only” a washed-out vein of chalcopyrite. As a result of this event, ore mining began a second time (after the Bronze Age) on Mitterberg – the founding of the “Mitterberger Kupfergewerkschaft” (Mitterberg copper labor union) took place on November 25th, 1829. The ore was stored above the Kaltes Bründl spring and transported down into the valley and on to Lend in winter by horse and cart or wooden sledge.


Direct marketing

Direct marketing on a farm means that farmers sell the food they grow or produce on their farm directly to people without having to sell it in a supermarket or shop. For example, they could sell fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, eggs or meat directly to customers on their farm or at a weekly market nearby.

In Bischofshofen there is the Maximiliansmarkt every Friday, where local farmers sell their produce such as cheese, bread and bacon

Direct marketing

Direct marketing on a farm means that farmers sell the food they grow or produce on their farm directly to people without having to sell it in a supermarket or shop. For example, they could sell fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, eggs or meat directly to customers on their farm or at a weekly market nearby. This way, the food doesn't have to be transported far and can be sold as fresh as possible - which is good for the environment!

In Bischofshofen there is the Maximiliansmarkt every Friday, where local farmers sell their produce such as cheese, bread and bacon.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing on a farm means that the farmer sells his products, such as fruit, vegetables, milk, meat or other produce, directly to consumers without using intermediaries such as supermarkets or wholesalers. This can be done through various channels, such as farm shops, weekly markets or online.

For farmers, direct marketing often generates higher income as there are no middlemen, and for customers it offers the opportunity to buy fresh, regional produce and to know directly where their food comes from. It also supports more sustainable agriculture and promotes the relationship between producer and consumer.

In Bischofshofen there is the Maximiliansmarkt every Friday, where local farmers sell their produce such as cheese, bread and bacon.
