Feldmaier Creek - Landscape

The small, steep Feldmaier creek, which runs from the Feldmaier farm in the north through the village of Pichl (794 m, west of St. Veit) to its confluence with the Wenger creek to the north-east of the Schernberg Castle in the south, is a typical gorge-like mountain creek.

From a geological point of view, the Feldmaier creek is located in the area of the greywacke zone. The creek is laid out in what are known as Wildschönauer slates (Upper Ordovician to Devonian, 485 - 420 million years) and runs through very fi nely divided and extremely thin-fl aked, black phyllites here in the Pichl area. Harder calcareous phyllite layers can also be found to the north of Pichl, which cross the creek bed almost at right angles.

A small waterfall that falls from a height of around 6 meters and has a gradient of around 45° offers a special natural spectacle. In the summer months (especially when there is little rainfall), the stream does not carry quite as much water, but normally the water literally “shoots” down the embankment. At about 670 m, the Feldmaier creek fl ows into the Wengerbach creek in the deeply indented gorge of the Putzengraben trench.
