A Healing Well - One tells oneself...

The following story has been told for 600 years: the mining climber Eurasmus made an inspection of the Sunnpau mine before the start of his shift. He tapped on the tunnels with a hammer to knock down loose rock so that the miners could do their work safely.

As he passed the shaft with the windlass, he heard a voice. “Help, who will help me? Please pull me up, I’ve been lying in the shaft for three days and three nights.” He shone his oil lamp downwards. Then he saw a little black man with a long beard whose whole body was trembling from the cold.

He yelled down, “I’ll get you up. I’ll lower the bucket for you, sit down in it.” So he cranked up the bucket with the little man in it.

When the man got up out of the bucket, he saw it was a dwarf. “You saved my life. Now you have one wish. Do you want gold for a year, silver for two years, or 100 years of healing water? If someone drinks from your mine well, his pain will be gone.” Eurasmus chose the water. From then on, people living in the vicinity of the mine lived in good health for 100 years.
