Primal-Salzach - St. Veit Terrace

The drainage system in the province of Salzburg has not looked like it does today since primeval times. About 10 million years ago, the Salzach valley from Krimml to St. Johann did not yet exist. All rivers coming from the south (today’s main ridge of the Alps) flowed directly through a gentle hilly landscape (today’s Steinernes Meer, Hochkönig, Hagengebirge, Tennengebirge) to the north. On some limestone plateaus you can still find so-called eye stones: these are river pebbles that were deposited at that time. Only about 6 million years ago, the Salzach valley began to continuously carve inwards.

About 3 million years ago, drainage of the Primal-Salzach stretched back as far as Mittersill. The upper Salzach valley still drained through Kitzbühel. At that time, the valley floor of the Salzach was not that deep and it flowed along today’s “Sonnenterrasse” (sun terrace) between Goldegg and St. Veit. This stretch of land is therefore a fossil (old) river bottom of the Salzach! During the Ice Age, the valleys were cleared out by powerful ice flows and today’s drainage system was created.
